We survive. Life still goes on. Everyone is ready. 2020 was a year we wont forget. COVID 19 shut things down, cancelled others and took away.
It is really something seeing how people react to a pandemic. You had those in disbelief, those who over react and those who are able to solider through. We were asked to stay home, wear masks, to social distance and wash our hands.
Just keeping to ourselves and wearing masks has been too much for some but vital to others. So many people without the discipline & regard for others. So many people stepping up and doing for others.
Progress has been made. We have gone from not knowing what it is to distributing a vaccine.
What does all this have to do with the foodie world? Everything. The industry hit hardest is most definitely food service. Luckily, a majority of folks have learned to adapt. When you are told you can’t open business as usual- you change your business.
I have recently been reminded that I can’t eat like I used to. I am a foodie. How can I keep going, keep growing and stay relevant? I will adapt.